Tag Archives: AmabayChrome

Chrome Extension: AmabayChrome version 1.2012.12.20 released

This is a new version release note of AmabayChrome which enables one click compare Amazon and eBay prices from Google Chrome browser.

This version is a maintenance release, the major change is to be compatible with latest policy requirements of Google Chrome team on Chrome extensions.

For complete user manual of this extension, please visit here.

Happy new year

Chrome Extension: AmabayChrome version 1.2012.1.22 released

This is a new version release note of AmabayChrome which enables one click compare Amazon and eBay prices from Google Chrome browser.

This version is an maintenance release with bug fixes, one of the bug that got fixed was error URL when visitor compare price by clicking on address bar button when visiting any product page on Amazon or eBay.

For complete user manual of this extension, please visit here.

Chrome Extension: AmabayChrome version 1.2011.5.29 released

This is a new version release note of AmabayChrome which enables one click compare Amazon and eBay prices from Google Chrome browser.

About 4 months after the release of 1st version, this 2nd version release is packed with exciting new features which will bring more convenience to your online shopping experience.  The  new features added to this version are:

  • “Compare Price” button location now configurable. Responding to needs from one of our users, now users can configure whether “Compare Price” buttons are displayed on Amazon / eBay search result pages.   By default, “Compare Price” buttons are shown on Amazon / eBay search result pages, but users can now turn that off in options page.  Please note, “Compare Price” button will always show up in Amazon / eBay product detail pages, this setting could not be changed.
  • Address bar button provides yet another way to click once to compare price. The button will selectively show up on right side of your address bar based on your current page and setting:
    • When you are viewing a product’s page on eBay or Amazon, the product information will be automatically detected, and a bell shaped button  will show up, clicking on it will show you AmaBay price comparison result for this product in a new tab.
    • When you are viewing other eBay or Amazon pages, the button’s shape will change to , clicking on it will lead you to the AmaBay homepage of your selected country.  You may change the country setting in Options page.  If you like this button so much that you want it to show up more often, you have the choice of make it appear when you view any pages on Internet, that setting can be changed in Options page.

For complete user manual of this extension, please visit here.


Chrome Add-on: AmabayChrome – Compare Amazon and eBay Prices

AmabayChrome, (old link to app no longer working) allows you to use amabay.linked8.com to compare prices between Amazon and eBay for any product by one click.

How AmabayChrome Works

On Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, and Amazon.co.jp sites, “Compare eBay Price” button appears on Amazon product search result and product detail pages, clicking on it leads to Amabay price comparison page for that product.

On ebay.com, ebay.co.uk, ebay.de, ebay.fr, ebay.ca, ebay.at, ebay.co.au, ebay.it, ebay.es, ebay.nl, and ebay.be sites, “Compare Amazon Price” button appears on eBay product search result and product detail pages, clicking on it leads to Amabay price comparison page for that product.

International Support

AmabayChrome works on Amazon US, UK, Japan, Germany sites and eBay US, UK, Germany, France, Canada, Austria, Australia, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Ireland sites. In most cases, regions are automatically detected.

Automatically detect region

When you click “Compare Price” button on eBay or Amazon pages, or bell button on address bar, region setting is automatically detected.

When regions are automatically detected, in most situations, Amazon and eBay prices in the same country will be compared, for example, if you click from Amazon.co.uk, you get result between Amazon.co.uk and eBay.co.uk. However, for a small number of countries, because they are not supported by eBay or Amazon, you’ll need to compare with other country’s results. These situations include:

  • click from amazon.co.jp, you get amazon.co.jp vs. ebay.com
  • click from ebay.ie, you get amazon.co.uk vs. ebay.ie
  • click from ebay.co.au, you get amazon.com vs. ebay.co.au
  • click from ebay.be, ebay. at, ebay.es, ebay.it, ebay.ch, or ebay.nl, you get amazon.de vs. these countries’ ebay results

Manually set region

When you click on AmaBay button on address bar to open AmaBay homepage, its default region is manually selected in option page.

Related Tools

Firefox version: AmabayFox (user manual)